
The following players were included in the 1902-03 season.
Click on any name for further information.

Bache, Joe

Bowden, James

Brawn, William

Clarke, William

Cooch, Harry

Crabtree, Jimmy

Evans, Albert

Evans, Oscar (Orlando)

Fisher, Albert William

Garraty, William

George, William (Billy)

Griffin, Harry

Harris, George

Johnson, George

Leake, Alex

Lockett, Arthur

McLuckie, Jasper

Miles, Alfred

Millar, Arthur

Moran, Joe

Niblo, Thomas

Noon, Michael

Pearson, Joseph

Pember, Laurie

Perry, Thomas

Shutt, Hartley George

Spencer, Howard

Templeton, Robert

Wilkes, Albert

Windmill, Joseph

Wood, Alfred

Yates, William

First team

Name            League  FA Cup

Joe Bache               25 - 9  3 - 1
William Brawn   16 - 2  4 - 0
William Clarke  20 - 2  0
Harry Cooch     5 - 0   0
Albert Evans    18 - 0  0
Oscar Evans     2 - 0   0
Albert Fisher   1 - 0   0
William Garraty 28 - 15 2 - 0
William George  29 - 0  4 - 0
Harry Griffin   1 - 0   0
George Harris   4 - 0   0
George Johnson  20 - 6  4 - 4
Alex Leake              28 - 3  4 - 0
Arthur Lockett  1 - 0   0
Jasper McLuckie 21 - 16 3 - 5
Thomas Niblo    17 - 1  4 - 0
Michael Noon    16 - 1  4 - 0
Joseph Pearson  13 - 0  4 - 1
Thomas Perry    4 - 0   0
Hartley Shutt   15 - 0  0
Howard Spencer  27 - 0  4 - 0
Robert Templeton        11 - 2  0
Albert Wilkes   21 - 1  0
Alfred Wood     31 - 3  4 - 0
