
The following players were included in the 1906-07 season.
Click on any name for further information.

Bache, Joe

Boden, John Arthur

Buckley, Chris

Cantrell, Jimmy

Chapple, Frederick

Codling, Rowland

Cooch, Harry

Corbett, Walter

Evans, Albert

Evans, Robert

Francis, Ernie

Garratt, George

Garraty, William

George, William (Billy)

Greenhalgh, Samuel

Hall, Albert

Hall, Proctor

Hampton, Harry

Harris, George

Henshall, Horace

Higgins, Bernard

Jones, Ben

Leake, Alex

Logan, Alec

Logan, James Lochhead

Lyons, Tommy

Matthews, William

Miles, Alfred

Millington, Charles

Mitchell, Archie

Morris, Sam

Murphy, Neil

Pearson, Joseph

Price, Haydn

Riddell, D.

Riley, Thomas

Spencer, Howard

Tainton, Walter

Tranter, George

Turner, Horace

Walters, Joseph (Joey)

Wilcox, John

Wilkes, Albert

Windmill, Joseph

First team

Name            League  FA Cup

Joe Bache               28 - 8  2 - 2
John Boden      8 - 0   0
Christopher Buckley     20 - 1  2 - 0
Jimmy Cantrell  24 - 13 2 - 1
Frederick Chapple       8 - 3   0
Rowland Codling 34 - 0  2 - 0
Harry Cooch     2 - 0   0
Walter Corbett  8 - 0   0
Robert Evans    9 - 3   1 - 0
William Garraty 5 - 2   0
William George  36 - 0  2 - 0
Samuel Greenhalgh       30 - 1  2 - 0
Albert Hall             26 - 11 1 - 0
Harry Hampton   29 - 21 1 - 0
George Harris   1 - 0   0
Alex Leake              11 - 0  1 - 0
Alec Logan              3 - 1   0
James Logan     28 - 0  2 - 0
William Matthews        4 - 1   0
Alfred Miles    30 - 0  1 - 0
Charles Millington      28 - 7  2 - 0
Joseph Pearson  3 - 0   0
Thomas Riley    5 - 0   0
Howard Spencer  9 - 0   0
George Tranter  1 - 0   0
Joseph Walters  26 - 6  1 - 0
Albert Wilkes   1 - 0   0
Joseph Windmill 1 - 0   0
